Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lets do something different!

Overcorrecting and the love of the red pen is bad.
Encouraging and using technology is good.

I realize those two sentences do not completely cover all the information, ideas, and suggestions offered in our two readings, but when a friend asked me to summarize what i had been reading, that is all that came to my mind. There is certainly much more both readings offer, but as i reflect on them i have decided that really those two sentences show most accurately what i gleaned from the reading.

There was one other underlying theme to both the readings that i really love, despite it being a difficult thing to do: try something new!! This is daunting to consider with an internship looming and the first year of teaching in the distance, ruffling feathers never is a good way to keep ones job. But i am encouraged by the reading to stretch the creative wings alittle and give some new idea or notion a shot. After all nobody wants to be that last dinosaur of a teacher who is still doing things the way they were done "back when i was in school."


Ashley Vogl said...

This is so true- I hate those teachers who feel there is only one way of doing everything! They are close-minded and they appear that way to their students, automatically making their students despise whatever subject it is that they teach. I feel that being open-minded and innovative is the only way to get students to respect and respond to what you're teaching, especially in a day and age where technology is so advanced and everything is constantly changing.

Shannon said...

I appreciate your compact approach to discussing the ideas in the reading. I'm wondering, how will you make your classes different than the dinosaurs who have ruled over the "Land of English" for centuries before us? I'm looking forward to reading more of your ideas! Great blogging so far.