Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weekend to Friends:

Damn them. Damn their negative 18 rushing yards. Fuck them for sucking ass on a game they shouldve easily managed, and fuck them for me still loving them and expecting them to make a playoff run. Oh was that an ugly game, dammit it was just upsetting, ruined my weekend... bastards.... at least Roy got me huge fantasy points, but id rather have a fucking "W" oh wellguess ill just get over it and move on to the week, gonna be a crappy week though, this stuff always affects me more than it should

not to sound like a toper (thank you crossword puzzles!) but lets go get a drink

1 comment:

ruggermichigan3 said...

Nice, counter tone letter, the reason I am writing, I can not find your email, this will have to do. When I click on my link to my blog goes to bible college, I think is this really funny or whatever you trying to prove. Because is not. Cut it out. This is not removed I will have to talk to Shannon about this matter. Really, Funny hahahaha, real mature.