Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What tech time meant...

High school tech time meant only one thing to me.
SNOOD!!! one of those silly little video games where you are shooting similar shaped objects at a wall of other differently shaped object to try and get three matching connecting thus making them dissappear until all of the wall was gone. This was what my limited tech time was. Playing snood, needless to say i did not have a lot of tech time..... which is probably just as well because there was never a time where i was taught about the benefits of actual technology like word processor secrets, or decent research techniques. perhaps with some more education about technology i would have been able to get more out of my tech time than snood, but as it was, tech time in high school meant it was time to snood it up.

Blog on Technology

So what has technology done for teaching: Good or bad??
Well it is helpful by making more information more accessable, right at our fingertips
But on the negative aspect plagarism and poor research tactics are easier.
It makes writing papers more convienent with word processors and all that
But it does not make the writing better, and often gets students to rely on spell checker.
It allows presentations to be more entertaining than just a teacher lecturing
But that does not mean that the powerpoint (etc) will stay entertaining for the kids.
It gives us a chance to blog and write while in class
But it gives us a chance to check emails, play games, and goof off quietly in class.

Technology in the classroom has been both a blessing and a curse, no matter the way you feel about it technology is going to continue to adapt and change in the classroom, teachers need to be ready and willing to adapt and change with it.